New name

I’ve decide to change the name of this blog — look up!

Also, for those of you who subscribe to my RSS feed, I’m now using Feedburner to publish them (see the little “XML” icon at right, and note that the name of the feed carries a remnant of this blog’s old name…). For what it’s worth, you can still access the feed directly through this web address as before.

For the uninitiated, I’ve talked about RSS here, and a short intro to RSS can be found here. Briefly, it’s a way of subscribing to content from blogs, newspapers, and other organizations that may want to push announcements out semi-regularly; it’s faster than checking all the web pages yourself and collects all the information in one place. You can read RSS with a standalone program like NetNewsWire for the Mac, as well as through online services like CNET’s new Newsburst.

Comments welcome.