
Regular readers may have noted a slackening of my posting pace over the last couple of weeks. For the first time in life, I’m earning my keep doing what most people think a “University Lecturer” (a.k.a. “College Professor” in the US) gets paid to do: teaching (in fact, most of our professional stature and advancement is based upon research, but that’s another story).

So far I’ve taught a few sessions of our first-year (“freshman”) Seminars in Communication and Teamwork — it’s a joy to see these exciting and excited students thinking, speaking and working together. Next week I dive into one of the unique — and somewhat daunting! — aspects of the UK University system: tutorials, just me with three or four students.

So, if any of the students I’m teaching see this, I’d love to hear from you — leave a comment if you’re willing to do it in public, otherwise send an email.

p.s. I haven’t been able to bring myself to watch Supernova, the BBC’s new sitcom revolving around the life of (wait for it) an astronomer… Has anyone out there seen it?

One response to “Teaching”

  1. Joe avatar

    >Has anyone out there seen it?
    Sadly, yes.
    The scripts are pretty poor, though the actors are good. Rob Brydon has the washed up academic down pretty well.
    As you’d expect the science is gibberish.