Quick lunch-hour dispatch, all to be clarified soon:
- Last week I participated in a collaboration between the Dana Centre (the adult wing of the Science Museum) and some artists, entitled “Big Ideas.”
- Imperial College is to be leaving the University of London.
- Fantastic late-night Dinner last weekend, with (among many others!) Kosso, Rachel, Imp, Deirdre, Sophie, Barry, guest of honor Robert Scoble, and, amazingly, subsidized food and, yes, really, I’m not making this up, free champagne from Microsoft. The latter was captured by Ian, including a picture in which I look very louche indeed. I also seem to have volunteered to do a podcast with Gia for her work with the new movie, Sunshine, and finally repaid my free-wine debt to Jason and Nick from Stormhoek vineyards by explaining all of cosmology to them in about half an hour (lubricated by wine, of course).