Earning the description “hapless”

Normally I don’t talk about myself too much here, but I managed a very difficult feat today: I locked myself in my own house. I got up this morning, tried to leave for work, only to discover that the key turned, but the deadbolt didn’t budge — somehow, bolting the door last night, the inner workings of the lock finally crumbled. A couple of hours later, the locksmith had climbed in the window, broken the door open, and replaced the lock (and had a nice cuppa tea, naturally). Thanks to my colleagues for the emergency teaching substitution (and for not making too much fun of me).

More embarrassing than being locked out of your house, but much warmer.

One response to “Earning the description “hapless””

  1. Tommaso Dorigo avatar

    Hi Andrew,
    try not to do it next week when you’ll be talking at the cosmology conference! I’ll be there to listen…