Whole Foods

I spent over an hour this afternoon in full green consumerist frenzy, celebrating the opening (i.e., shopping at) the new London branch of the Whole Foods supermarket chain. Three floors of good food, eco-friendly (more or less; see below), tasty, not at all cheap, luckily located en route from work to home. And noticeably more Americans in one place than I’ve ever encountered here in the UK!

And yet. Whole Foods may pay their staff well, but they’re an anti-union shop. They are organic and sustainable, but it’s unlikely to be good news for local small butchers and groceries. Plenty of the items on their shelves certainly amassed quite a few carbon miles getting to central London. But those heirloom tomatoes — British! — tasted really winderful in the frittata I cooked once I made it home…

3 responses to “Whole Foods”

  1. Kiki Michaelidou avatar
    Kiki Michaelidou

    Hi Andrew,
    Thanks for your timely personal review.
    I was thinking of going to Whole Foods yesterday too (well the refrigerator was empty), before heading for the Wiki Wednesdays…alas none of the above happened, as I got stuck in the City.
    I have been using the services of http://www.organicdelivery.co.uk/

  2. A quantum diaries survivor avatar

    Hi Andrew,
    I hope I will see you in London at PASCOS. I am coming to present results from the Tevatron on SM tests. Will you be there ?

  3. Andrew avatar

    Hi Tommaso,
    I’ll certainly be “lurking” at PASCOS — Looking to seeing you in London and hearing about the latest from Fermilab.