Travelling ten

I’ve been a bit quiet the past week, so here’s a very random top ten from my just-completed trip to North America (New Jersey/New York and Toronto). In no particular order, except for number one:

  1. My sister’s wedding — Congratulations and Mazel Tov to Allison and Chris!
  2. The skeleton of the new Daniel Libeskind extension to the Royal Ontario Museum (unfortunately the plans to build a Libeskind addition to the V&A Museum across the road from my office have been scuppered).
  3. The Mekons, “Wild and Blue”: my favorite obscure-ish rock’n’roll band in the whole world. But this is a country song, from Curse of the Mekons, one of the few rock records about the end of the Cold War.
  4. Hearing my old friend Dennis Blackwell sing.
  5. Travel Karma: a free upgrade for one leg of my trip, and nearly not making it back to London on the return flight.
  6. Pushing closer to new results from B2K. (More info when we’re allowed to talk about it!)
  7. Visiting the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, one of the best places to be an astrophysics postdoc (although I’m biased, since I was there 1993-96).
  8. New designs for The High Line by Diller and Scofidio, on display at the new Museum of Modern Art, New York.
  9. New York blogger/geek dinner with Dave Winer, Scoble, Steve Rubel, and lots of others off the A-list but just as cool (photos here).
  10. General Tso’s Chicken from Star of China in Fort Lee, New Jersey.

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  1. Travelling ten avatar

    Travelling ten

    Travelling ten

  2. Leriana avatar

    Travelling ten

    Travelling ten

  3. Johnathan Javinen avatar

    Travelling ten

    Travelling ten