“Freak chances of evolution in an indifferent cosmos”

In a criticism of Richard Dawkins’ upcoming series, The Root of All Evil, attacking religion, Guardian columnist Madeleine Bunting tries to find space leftover for, well, god: “It’s also right for religion to concede ground to science to explain natural processes; but at the same time, science has to concede that despite its huge advances it still cannot answer questions about the nature of the universe — such as whether we are freak chances of evolution in an indifferent cosmos”.

Well, no.

Evolution, per se, says that our existence is indeed a freak chance in an indifferent cosmos. What it doesn’t tell us — because we don’t yet know enough about the origin of life here, let alone anywhere else — is whether life is common in the Universe, and if so, whether intelligence is a common result of evolution. But we, humanity, are indeed a contingent, freak occurrence. Any meaning that it may hold is up to us to impose.

I haven’t seen the show yet, but on the other hand I don’t think Dawkins’ shrill attacks on religion are particularly sensible — it’s a human institution like any other, and all institutions are as fallible as the people in them, irrespective of their so-called rationality. Again, it’s all in the meaning and the order that we impose on that “indifferent cosmos”.

2 responses to ““Freak chances of evolution in an indifferent cosmos””

  1. Don R. Daniels avatar

    Enjoyed your blog. I’m working on a project to show the inconsistencies in evolution. Take a peek sometime at my blog at http://www.commissioned1.blogspot.com.

  2. Mark Wyman avatar
    Mark Wyman

    Evolution, per se, says that our existence is indeed a freak chance in an indifferent cosmos. What it doesn’t tell us — because we don’t yet know enough about the origin of life here, let alone anywhere else — is whether life is common in the Universe, and if so, whether intelligence is a common result of evolution
    Actually, this is wrong. Evolution has nothing to say about the origin of life; it is a process that occurs on species already in existence. Neither does evolution need an “indifferent” cosmos nor “freak chance:” it merely needs variation, through some means, and an environment in which natural selection can work.