Thanks, @TfL, for the personal email… I know that the New Routemaster has problems, but using the middle and rear doors was the best thing about these buses! Did I miss a “consultation”? Are you really losing that many fares to scofflaws?

Anyone out there having trouble getting macOS mail to fetch Exchange email? I need to “Rebuild” the mailbox to see any new mail! Behaviour started suddenly two days ago. iOS mail, outlook web, and outlook on mac all work. (Catalina on a 15” 2019 MacBook Pro and and 2014 iMac.)

Proud to have achieved a “personal worst” after too little training and two small kids’ worth of regular sleep. But I finished. #RoyalParksHalf 🏃🏻‍♂️

I’ve got a long (4+ hrs so far) wait at “Setting up…” during my macOS Catalina install, like others.

Question: has anyone w/this problem had it successfully finish, eventually, or is a reboot actually necessary?