This Wednesday, we @ImperialAstro will cancel our regular (virtual) seminar to support #ShutDownSTEM and #Strike4BlackLives, instead holding a discussion of issues of race and anti-black racism in astrophysics, science, academia — and the wider world.

I’m also happy to report that @ImperialPhysics has postponed its monthly staff meeting in further support and solidarity.

‪After a day by the beautiful Thames, overcrowded & difficult to social-distance, flabbergasted that the UK govt isn’t pushing masks much more strongly (yes, mostly for others, not the wearer). Mayor @SadiqKhan is there an opportunity for you to step up, for London at least?‬

Of course we understand what they’re really getting at, but in (I guess) an effort to make things more understandable for most (?) people, the government has made it more confusing for anyone remotely numerate.

Sir Roger @Penrose on Conformal Cyclic Cosmology @PhilFacOx. Loved watching old-school transparencies on an old-school whiteboard in front of his laptop camera. Lovely talk, ‘tho I’m unconvinced by the theory itself — and he’s wrong about it being confirmed by Planck data.

Ok, official UK govt advice still seems to be that I should trek across London (via public transport) with my pre-school girls to bring them to their nursery (located @ImperialCollege where I work).


Trump is a narcissistic idiot who only cares about the Fed & how he wasn’t wrong about Google (he was). He makes Pence seem reasonable; Birx, Fauci &c on the US coronavirus team actually seem like experts.

So why isn’t Boris and the UK giving us similar information?

  • Imperial College (my employer)
  • The University & Colleges Union
  • Hertz
  • A yoga studio in New Jersey
  • The Royal Astronomical Society
  • My gym
  • Deliveroo
  • Several politicians in San Francisco, where I lived 20 years ago
  • Cubitts Opticians
  • The Institute of Physics
  • The International Astronomical Union