
  • Festschrift: Turner in Chicago


    Since Barcelona, I’ve also travelled to Chicago to attend a meeting in honor of the 60th birthday of Michael Turner, Professor at the University of Chicago, and a former head of the Mathematical and Physical Sciences Directorate of the US National Science Foundation. Mike was one of my Ph.D. Supervisors, along with Josh Frieman, and…

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  • Concert: Cohen in Barcelona


    One of the great things about living in (or, depending on the details of geographical definitions and your political philosophy, on the outskirts of) Europe is just how short a distance it is to other countries. Last week, I took advantage of this and made a last-minute trip to Barcelona to see Leonard Cohen perform…

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  • Planck’s First Light


    I’m happy to be able to point to ESA’s first post-launch press release from the Planck Surveyor Satellite. Here is a picture of the area of sky that Planck has observed during its “First Light Survey”, superposed on an optical image of the Milky Way galaxy: (Image credit: ESA, LFI and HFI Consortia (Planck); Background…

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  • The Universe is a Beautiful Place


    Or at least it’s very pretty. These are new pictures from the refurbished Hubble Space Telescope: NGC 6302 is a “planetary nebula”, material ejected from an aging star in our Milky Way galaxy; Omega Centauri is a globular cluster, a dense agglomeration of stars on the outskirts of the galaxy; the Carina Nebula is the…

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  • Tying Myself in Knots



    I’ll be appearing this Thursday, September 3, at the newly-reopened Whitechapel Gallery‘s Study Studio as part of “Knot Night“, hosted by sculptor Richard Wentworth. Richard has produced a box (or vitrine, if you want to be all art-world about it) called “A Confiscation of String” for the Gallery, and so a few of us have…

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  • Blogging Anniversary, and Other Celebrations



    I was sitting in the lecture theatre of the Royal Institution at the Science Online London meeting (of which I hope to write more later, but you can retroactively follow the day’s tweets or just search for the day’s tags) when I realized I had missed the fifth anniversary of this blog this past July.…

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  • Elvis blues


    Today is the thirty-second anniversary of Elvis Presley’s death. It was recently brought to my attention that I am now older than he was on that day. But rather than sit in the bathroom and eat cheeseburgers, I’ll just leave you with this: I was thinking that night about Elvis Day that he died, day…

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  • Healthcare for profit and for good


    OK, if you are bored with my occasional forays into politics or religion, I apologize for this post on a subject about which I know even less. I was preparing a long post on my expatriate view of the US healthcare system versus the UK NHS (and I’ve even had a few years under the…

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  • Astronomical Objects, Near and Far


    The Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF) is the “deepest” optical observation of the Universe: eleven days of Hubble Space Telescope observations concentrated on a tiny patch of sky. I recently came across this three-dimensional mockup of the HUDF, using our measurements of the redshifts (related to the distances) of each of the galaxies in the…

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  • On the Dark Side?


    A few weeks ago, I took part in a “Big Questions” debate with Subir Sarkar, a colleague from Oxford, on Dark Energy and the Fate of the Universe. For those of you who couldn’t attend, a related podcast is available, you can download my meagre slides, and it’s been mentioned on Physics World, as well…

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