
  • Reformat


    Another technical note: I’ve just reformatted the whole blog. Let me know if there are any problems (or if you just think it’s ugly).

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  • Infrastructure problems


    Just a quick note that the blog has been having some issues with its infrastructure: pointers to individual entries seem to be broken. I’m on the case — apologies if you can’t get to anything you’re looking for. Update: fixed, I think. Let me know if there are any further problems. (The blog should be…

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  • Are you on this list?


    Seen at the security checkpoint, Aurangabad Airport, Maharashtra, India. (By the way, No. 24, Shri Robert Vadra, is Sonia Gandhi’s son-in-law.) More on my India trip soon, I hope. Until then, happy holidays!

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    selling off the nj turnpike.

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