
  • Whole Foods


    I spent over an hour this afternoon in full green consumerist frenzy, celebrating the opening (i.e., shopping at) the new London branch of the Whole Foods supermarket chain. Three floors of good food, eco-friendly (more or less; see below), tasty, not at all cheap, luckily located en route from work to home. And noticeably more…

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  • LA’s Burning

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    A beautiful but frightening picture of the fire burning near the Griffith Park Observatory in Los Angeles. Evidence that we were probably never meant to live in that part of the world? (Photo courtesy Monica Almeida/New York Times)

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  • Placeholder

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    I realize that I haven’t posted in nearly two weeks. Between marking exams, gardening, attempting to solve differential equations and calculate integrals with several hundred terms, inspiration has been lacking. Here are some things I may yet get to: The book launch for Universe or Multiverse, edited by QMW Cosmologist Bernard Carr. Entertaining, for sure,…

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  • March madness


    OK, a little bragging: I am proud to be able to say that I came in at the top of this year’s CITA NCAA Basketball Tournament pool with my pick of Florida to emerge as the ultimate winner. (I also beat most of the New York Times staff!) Sadly, no money will change hands.

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  • Earning the description “hapless”


    Normally I don’t talk about myself too much here, but I managed a very difficult feat today: I locked myself in my own house. I got up this morning, tried to leave for work, only to discover that the key turned, but the deadbolt didn’t budge — somehow, bolting the door last night, the inner…

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  • Neofelis diardi (Bornean)


    Because you can never go wrong with a cat picture, especially of a new species: Borneo’s Clouded Leopard: © WWF-Canon / Alain COMPOST The world remains full of wonders…

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  • Gung hei fat choi


    恭喜发财 — Happy (Chinese) New Year! Congratulations and be prosperous in this coming year of the Golden Pig…

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  • Real Winter


    The view out my back window: Now let’s see if I can get into work.

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  • This American Life


    I was delighted to discover that This American Life, the best radio show in the whole world (ever!), has finally moved into the modern internet with podcasts. In counterintuitive fashion, the latest show is available for downloading for a week, after which you can stream it for free, or purchase the MP3 file. (This must…

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  • Finish line


    Here is my spectacular finish at last weekend’s CRUK Blenheim Palace 10k run. In the endorphin-fueled rush following, my running-mates and I decided that our next goal will be the Bath Half Marathon. It’s only twice as long (twice as long as 10km, and about twice as long as any of us have ever run…

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