big bang

  • Science, Blogs, Web I: Big Bang, Big Problem


    There’s a blog post about gender differences in scientific literacy over at The Intersection. And no doubt, it is a scary statement about our culture and educational system (in the US in this case, although I suspect the results would be similar elsewhere) that men uniformly score better than women. But (as other commenters have…

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  • Another reason we should teach evolution and the big bang

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    …they are part of an an ancient Jewish conspiracy, and so it pisses off the anti-semites…

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  • Dance Like A Monkey



    Best pro-evolution, anti-Bush, big-bangin’, flying-spaghetti-monster-promoting video ever: The New York Dolls’ “Dance Like a Monkey”:

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  • You already know what I think

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    There’s no need to comment on: NASA says — and forces all of its public statements to say — that The Big Bang is just a “theory”. (But there’s no lack of opinion out there, at Cosmic Variance, Bad Astronomy, Pharyngula, Balloon Juice, Stranger Fruit, Gary Farber, and Mark Kleiman…) The closure of the London…

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  • The BBC, the Big Bang and WMAP


    For some reason, the BBC’s Today Program had a feature on the Big Bang and its purported problems confronting modern data. Apart from the woefully misguided Eric Lerner, the discussion was relatively nuanced and at least attempted to distinguish between a wrong theory and an incomplete one — the questions that the Big Bang, as…

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