
  • One chance in 3.5 million


    Yes, more on statistics. In a recent NY Times article, science reporter Dennis Overbye discusses recent talks from Fermilab and CERN scientists which may hint at the discovery of the much-anticipated Higgs Boson. The executive summary is: it hasn’t been found yet. But in the course of the article, Overbye points out that To qualify…

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  • Broken dreams mug


    I’ve had this Fermilab-labeled mug ever since I spent the summer working there in 1990 (the picture is from a few years later — ignore the sartorial mis-step of the slouch-shouldered cardigan). Today, sadly, I dropped it fumbling with the keys to my office. Actually, that was a pretty fun summer. I was working on…

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  • Chicagoland: black holes and buffalo


    Greetings from Batavia, Illinois, USA, home of Fermilab, where I’m visiting the Theoretical Astrophysics Center (and where I spent a lot of time as a graduate student back in the early 1990s). Since I got here late last week, I’ve cycled 50 miles up and down the Lake Michigan Lakefront, given a talk on Gravitational…

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