God, Man and Katrina
I watched Channel 4’s documentary The Trouble with Atheism. I assume my secular fellow travellers in the blogosphere will take it and its presenter, Rod Liddle, to task for its myriad stupidities, misrepresentations and annoyances so I can leave them unremarked (except to point out that, with no offence intended, John Polkinghorne is a good…
Katrina and the BBC
The Observer also reports on the supposed anti-US bias of the BBC‘s Katrina reporting, citing a second-hand report from the always fair and balanced tycoon Rupert Murdoch on a conversation with Tony Blair. The PM supposedly referred to the BBC’s coverage as “gloating” and “full of hatred of America”. Even Bill Clinton seemed to echo…
New Orleans: Alex Chilton missing — found!
Among all the tragic stories coming out of New Orleans, the devastation of families and homes, I’ve learned that Alex Chilton is among the missing. Chilton was, first, the teenage singer of the Box Tops who had a late-60s blue-eyed-soul hit with “The Letter. In the 70s, Alex formed Big Star, one of those obscure…
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