particle physics
Fundamental Scalar found?
I am just back from STFC‘s media event covering what did, in the end, turn out to be the discovery of a particle that appears to be the long-predicted Higgs boson, the last component in the Standard Model of Particle Physics to be discovered, and in many ways its linchpin. Via a mechanism known as…
The Future of [Experimental Particle] Physics in the Times
I was impressed (like Mark Trodden) by the lovely pictures, good PR, and even some lyrical prose on CERN‘s coming Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in the New York Times. But I was annoyed by this statement: For the past generation, physics has been in something of a rut. There have been plenty of findings from…
Fixes for Physics?
Physics-watchers will have found it hard to miss the recent flood [?] of public criticisms of String Theory, the currently favored candidate for a ‘theory of everything’ unifying particle physics and gravity (and therefore providing a fundamental theory of cosmology). The two most prominent have been Peter Woit from Columbia, who has spun off his…
Minos observes neutrino mass
More evidence for neutrino mass has been seen by the MINOS Experiment in the Soudan mine in Minnesota. More precisely, the experiment extends and corroborates evidence for neutrino mass that has been gathering over the past 40 years, speeding up mightily in the last decade. The first evidence was the deficit of neutrinos from the…
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