
  • Tugging the Forelock


    All from The Observer Review, 2 October 2005: “Robyn Hitchcock and Roy Harper gave individualistic tugs of the forelock to master Bob” –Praise be to Bob almighty, Neil Spencer “I have noticed over the years that even guys who own no other ‘female wailing rubbish’ happily tug the forelock to the majesty that is La…

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  • Holy trinity


    Revelations: Bob Dylan! Johnny Cash! Singing Hank Williams!

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  • Anybody can be just like me, obviously


    The best thing so far about “No Direction Home”, Scorsese’s Dylan PBS/BBC2 documentary, hasn’t been the hagiographic tone (although Allen Ginsberg is always a joy to behold), nor even hearing Dylan’s own flat, midwestern drawl, but the footage of his performances with his band (later The Band, who got their own Scorsese treatment in “The…

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  • The BBC, the Big Bang and WMAP


    For some reason, the BBC’s Today Program had a feature on the Big Bang and its purported problems confronting modern data. Apart from the woefully misguided Eric Lerner, the discussion was relatively nuanced and at least attempted to distinguish between a wrong theory and an incomplete one — the questions that the Big Bang, as…

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  • Katrina and the BBC


    The Observer also reports on the supposed anti-US bias of the BBC‘s Katrina reporting, citing a second-hand report from the always fair and balanced tycoon Rupert Murdoch on a conversation with Tony Blair. The PM supposedly referred to the BBC’s coverage as “gloating” and “full of hatred of America”. Even Bill Clinton seemed to echo…

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  • “They’re just birds”


    Unlike their sister paper, The Guardian, who seem willing to pander to the crackpot anti-evolution right, The Observer not only reports on the Religious Right’s weird valorization of the film March of the Penguins, but is also willing to point out the truth in an editorial (aka leader): If ever the world needed reminding about…

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  • The Guardian: tag, you’re it


    But at least they cut into Behe’s crackpot two-page spread with a couple of columns on tagging and Folksonomies. On the other hand, adding insult to injury, they’ve got rid of Doonesbury, and its increasingly rare homegrown American political commentary. Damn you, Guardian editors. Update: They’re bringing Doonesbury back!

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  • The Guardian’s Unintelligent Design


    I was enjoying the new, redesigned Guardian newspaper today, until I came to the end of the new G2 features section, and an offensive interview with chief Intelligent Design crackpot Michael Behe, under the inappropriate banner, “Ideas”. Offensive because interviewer John Sutherland doesn’t call Behe on any of his flagrant misstatements (I hesitate to call…

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  • About to jump the shark


  • Life Principle or just dirty water?


    In the Guardian, Paul Davies writes about investigating the origins of life on earth and, possibly, throughout the Universe. Davies, a media-savvy astrophysicist with a notable spiritual, if not mystical, streak, comes dangerously close to advocating something like Intelligent Design, albeit a more primordial level than its usual crackpot promoters. He talks about the existence…

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