
  • New Orleans: Alex Chilton missing — found!



    Among all the tragic stories coming out of New Orleans, the devastation of families and homes, I’ve learned that Alex Chilton is among the missing. Chilton was, first, the teenage singer of the Box Tops who had a late-60s blue-eyed-soul hit with “The Letter. In the 70s, Alex formed Big Star, one of those obscure…

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  • Working hard for our money


    OK, academic scientists are clearly upper-middle-class, and on a day when it’s more obvious than ever that the poor in this country get a raw deal in everything up to and including disaster relief, I don’t want to bellyache too much about how hard it is to do a job I love in an interesting…

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  • Changes afoot


    Stay tuned for some big (but hopefully invisible) changes: Vanity of vanities: I’ve moved to the very cleverly named Very soon I’ll stop updating the version at, so please change your bookmarks. I’m using a new version of my blogging software, Movable Type. Let me know if anything breaks. New look. Too busy?

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  • New bottle (or, “Free” as in “Free Wine”)



    Thanks to the fine blog-reading folks at Orbital Wines, the owners of Stormhoek Wine in South Africa, the sad story of my missing wine was noticed — and the bottle has been replaced! (Alas, without a cool personalized label, but I think I deserve some penalty for my forgetfulness.) I look forward to imbibing this…

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  • Blogging for science: Trackbacks and folksonomies



    I’ve already gone on and on about and the revolution in scientific publishing that it has begun in fields like cosmology: public access to essentially all recent research to anyone with an internet connection. Last year, they added RSS (aka “feeds”) — ahead of the curve on the latest internet buzz — making it…

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  • Quote of the day (experts only)


    The ΛCDM Model requires two pieces of unknown physics. One is ‘Λ’ and the other is ‘CDM’ -Tom Shanks, at “Open Questions in Cosmology“, a meeting being held at the Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik in Garching, Germany. I’ll explain later.

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  • Missing Wine


    Like 74 other bloggers, I was fortunate enough to receive a free sample of Stormhoek Wine, and I was looking forward to finally bringing it home for a taste. Unfortunately, due to the confluence of my own forgetfulness and the incompetence and/or larcenous tendencies of an unknown party, the bottle never made it home. I…

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  • Boomerang


    A couple of weeks ago, my colleagues in the Boomerang Collaboration, spread out over the US, Italy, Canada, France and the UK, released five papers analyzing the data from the latest flight of the Boomerang instrument, over Antarctica in January 2003 (check this out for information from my fellow Boomerangers on what it’s like down…

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  • Evil Empire


    Krispy Kreme Donuts have opened a shop in Paddington Station… temptation that I don’t need facing me every day on my commute…

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  • Still at war?


    On the same day the cops are crawling all over London (and Oxford, actually), the US State Department is warning expats like me “to maintain a high level of vigilance, take appropriate steps to increase their security awareness, and exercise caution in public places or while using public transportation. U.S. citizens are also advised to…

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