
  • Idiot’s delight


    As much as I miss Today and most of BBC Radio 3 (especially Late Junction and Andy Kershaw) when I’m away, it’s always a joy to be able to listen to National Public Radio back in the US (it’s just not the same streamed over the net). Especially pleasurable this trip was rediscovering Vin Scelsa’s…

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  • Bush endorses crackpots



    I apologize in advance that this is going to be one of those instances of the blogosphere acting as an echo chamber, but I must at least comment on President George W Bush’s latest statements that the so-called ideas of the crackpot crypto-creationist Intelligent Design community should be taught alongside evolution in American schools. Let…

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  • Guitars, Chevrolets, etc., etc.


    A shameless plug for a very talented friend: go listen to the fine music at Warren Malone’s site, and when you like it as much as I do, buy his CDs. And if you’re in New York (or in Oxford, UK, in October), catch one of his gigs.

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  • Mirror, Mirror


    For some reason, this blog (along with many others) is being mirrored at Physics and Math Planet. Given the Creative Commons License down at the lower right, this is perfectly legal, if a bit perverse. There’s no such thing as bad publicity, but please, readers, be sure to link directly to the original blog and…

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  • Pulsar Timing and Gravitational Waves


    Greetings en route from State College, Pennsylvania, home of Penn State University, the only University of which I am aware with a library named after its football coach, Joe Paterno. More relevant to me, Penn State is also the home of the Center for Gravitational Wave Physics, which has been hosting a workshop, “The Pulsar…

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  • Cosmic Variance: New blog on the block



    Let me welcome to the scientific blogosphere Cosmic Variance, a new group blog featuring Clifford Johnson, a string theorist from USC; JoAnne Hewett, a particle theorist from SLAC at Stanford; Risa Wechsler & Sean Carroll, both cosmologists from the University of Chicago; and Mark Trodden from Syracuse University. Mark and Sean have already been blogging…

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  • The Liberal Arts


    Joe asks ‘what exactly is a “liberal arts college” (the writer [Ivan Tribble] works at one, it says)?’. According to the wikipedia A liberal arts college is an institution of higher education found [mostly] in the United States, offering programs in the liberal arts at the post-secondary level. They encourage — and often require —…

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  • Yet more on blogging academics…


    The buzz has died down, but I thought I’d respond to some comments on the last post about the perils of academic blogging. First, I should probably point out that I’m in a safe situation, with a permanent position in a good University (which I got well before I started this blog). Finally, Jerry correctly…

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  • Academics and blogging don’t mix?


    The Chronicle of Higher Education has an offensive article on the pseudonymous Ivan Tribble’s experience on a (reactionary, shortsighted, but perhaps not unusual) faculty search committee which rejected all the bloggers who applied. Aside from the obvious “don’t blog”, the lessons don’t seem to be restricted to the internet: Don’t have any interests outside of…

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  • Church comes out against science


    We scientists had somehow managed to fool ourselves into believing that, since John Paul II said that evolution was “more than just a hypothesis”, since they admitted some wrongdoing in the persecution of Galileo, that the Catholic Church was on the side of science. Sadly, perhaps inevitably, we were wrong. In an Op-Ed in yesterday’s…

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