
  • Landscope



    Jem Finer, aforementioned ringer, former Pogue, and artist-in-residence at the Oxford Astrophysics group, has created Landscope on the shores of Lough Neagh, near Belfast. Landscope is a radio telescope, a camera obscura, (neither of these are metaphors), and it is also the story of the residents of Lough Neagh: science, history, a work of art.…

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  • Art, Science and Poetry



    The inscription on this beautiful thousand-year old plate in the Louvre reads, “The taste of science is bitter at first, but in the end sweeter than honey.” My apologies for the bad translation — I don’t read Arabic so I had to translate from the French: “La science, son goût est amer au début, mais…

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  • Winter break


    See you in a week or so. Courtesy The New York Times (2004).

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  • Existential Detectives and Bad Religion



    “I ♥ Huckabees,” the new movie from David O. Russell, features Lily Tomlin and Dustin Hoffman as “Jaffe & Jaffe, Existential Investigators.” (I’m always pleased to see my family name in lights.) Not a deeply philosophical movie, but entertaining and intelligent enough. Smarter than, say, this commentary from last weekend’s Guardian by Mike Purton, “Physics…

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  • Picture of the day


    A detail from Leonardo’s “A Deluge.” (Courtesy The Queen of England, via The Guardian.)

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  • Robert Smithson


    In LA for a week, we went to see the Robert Smithson exhibition at MOCA. Smithson is best known for his Spiral Jetty, a fantastic Earthwork on the Great Salt Lake in Utah, underwater for much of the time since its creation in the early 70s (just before Smithson’s early death in 1973 at 35),…

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  • Gabriel Orozco


    Joanne and I went to see the new show of works by Gabriel Orozco at the Serpentine Gallery. He’s most famous for a human skull, inked over with a pattern of criss-crossing diamonds. It’s beautiful, it’s about mortality, geometry, and it’s about imposing our will upon the world (and vice versa). Orozco is a painter,…

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