From the New York Times. Pick one: Bush “overstated evidence” “exaggerated available intelligence” “systematically painted a more dire picture… than was justified” lied about Iraq before the invasion. Bonus points for what that implies about Tony Blair and the UK Government.
The Blair Decade
Today’s New York Times gives the best — and shortest — summary of the Blair years, which have ended today with Gordon Brown taking over (and immediately restructuring education and science, about which more once I’ve digested it), and Blair signing on to apply his talents to the Middle East. The editorial correctly digests Blair’s…
Political Commandments
Ronald Reagan often talked about the Eleventh Commandment: “Thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican” (attributed to California Republican party chairman Gaylord Parkinson during the 1964 California Gubernatorial election). It certainly served Reagan well (for ill rather than good, despite his bizarre posthumous revalorization). The Labour Party could learn a thing or two.…
When they think we’re not listening
We learned yesterday that President Bush has a bit of a potty mouth (at least when he’s abroad; I bet Cheney makes him wash his mouth out with soap when he talks dirty back home) and a not particularly nuanced view of foreign policy: Bush: What they need to do is get Syria to get…
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