
  • Tugging the Forelock


    All from The Observer Review, 2 October 2005: “Robyn Hitchcock and Roy Harper gave individualistic tugs of the forelock to master Bob” –Praise be to Bob almighty, Neil Spencer “I have noticed over the years that even guys who own no other ‘female wailing rubbish’ happily tug the forelock to the majesty that is La…

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  • About to jump the shark


  • New bottle (or, “Free” as in “Free Wine”)



    Thanks to the fine blog-reading folks at Orbital Wines, the owners of Stormhoek Wine in South Africa, the sad story of my missing wine was noticed — and the bottle has been replaced! (Alas, without a cool personalized label, but I think I deserve some penalty for my forgetfulness.) I look forward to imbibing this…

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  • Missing Wine


    Like 74 other bloggers, I was fortunate enough to receive a free sample of Stormhoek Wine, and I was looking forward to finally bringing it home for a taste. Unfortunately, due to the confluence of my own forgetfulness and the incompetence and/or larcenous tendencies of an unknown party, the bottle never made it home. I…

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  • Evil Empire


    Krispy Kreme Donuts have opened a shop in Paddington Station… temptation that I don’t need facing me every day on my commute…

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  • Weekend notes: Live 8

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    Live 8: Normally I would be cynical, or at least pessimistic of the prospect of change, but then Geldof, after showing a film of the poverty-stricken children of Ethiopia in the 80s, brought out one of the starving infants we had just seen, Birhan Woldu, grown up into a beautiful, healthy and well-educated twenty-four-year-old. My…

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  • Down, again



    The power will be out to the server again this weekend, Friday evening through Monday morning (UK time). Get some fresh air! The song for the weekend is the bittersweet “Fourth of July”, written by Dave Alvin, performed by X on See How We Are (which seem to come up a lot around here).

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  • Down time



    A quick warning that the server on which this blog lives will be down from Friday evening through Monday morning (UK time). Have a nice weekend!

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  • Shindig!


    Some notes from my dinner with the bloggers and assorted hangers-on last night, hosted by Robert Scoble (who may think I’ve been stalking him at these gatherings, having shown up at one in New York last month) and Hugh MacLeod: [Scoble, a cornfed American boy if ever there was one, notes tech differences between the…

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  • Travelling ten

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    I’ve been a bit quiet the past week, so here’s a very random top ten from my just-completed trip to North America (New Jersey/New York and Toronto). In no particular order, except for number one: My sister’s wedding — Congratulations and Mazel Tov to Allison and Chris! The skeleton of the new Daniel Libeskind extension…

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