The Guardian’s Unintelligent Design
I was enjoying the new, redesigned Guardian newspaper today, until I came to the end of the new G2 features section, and an offensive interview with chief Intelligent Design crackpot Michael Behe, under the inappropriate banner, “Ideas”. Offensive because interviewer John Sutherland doesn’t call Behe on any of his flagrant misstatements (I hesitate to call…
Life Principle or just dirty water?
In the Guardian, Paul Davies writes about investigating the origins of life on earth and, possibly, throughout the Universe. Davies, a media-savvy astrophysicist with a notable spiritual, if not mystical, streak, comes dangerously close to advocating something like Intelligent Design, albeit a more primordial level than its usual crackpot promoters. He talks about the existence…
Bush endorses crackpots
I apologize in advance that this is going to be one of those instances of the blogosphere acting as an echo chamber, but I must at least comment on President George W Bush’s latest statements that the so-called ideas of the crackpot crypto-creationist Intelligent Design community should be taught alongside evolution in American schools. Let…
Church comes out against science
We scientists had somehow managed to fool ourselves into believing that, since John Paul II said that evolution was “more than just a hypothesis”, since they admitted some wrongdoing in the persecution of Galileo, that the Catholic Church was on the side of science. Sadly, perhaps inevitably, we were wrong. In an Op-Ed in yesterday’s…
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