
  • The Guardian: tag, you’re it


    But at least they cut into Behe’s crackpot two-page spread with a couple of columns on tagging and Folksonomies. On the other hand, adding insult to injury, they’ve got rid of Doonesbury, and its increasingly rare homegrown American political commentary. Damn you, Guardian editors. Update: They’re bringing Doonesbury back!

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  • Changes afoot


    Stay tuned for some big (but hopefully invisible) changes: Vanity of vanities: I’ve moved to the very cleverly named Very soon I’ll stop updating the version at, so please change your bookmarks. I’m using a new version of my blogging software, Movable Type. Let me know if anything breaks. New look. Too busy?

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  • New bottle (or, “Free” as in “Free Wine”)



    Thanks to the fine blog-reading folks at Orbital Wines, the owners of Stormhoek Wine in South Africa, the sad story of my missing wine was noticed — and the bottle has been replaced! (Alas, without a cool personalized label, but I think I deserve some penalty for my forgetfulness.) I look forward to imbibing this…

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  • Blogging for science: Trackbacks and folksonomies



    I’ve already gone on and on about and the revolution in scientific publishing that it has begun in fields like cosmology: public access to essentially all recent research to anyone with an internet connection. Last year, they added RSS (aka “feeds”) — ahead of the curve on the latest internet buzz — making it…

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  • Mirror, Mirror


    For some reason, this blog (along with many others) is being mirrored at Physics and Math Planet. Given the Creative Commons License down at the lower right, this is perfectly legal, if a bit perverse. There’s no such thing as bad publicity, but please, readers, be sure to link directly to the original blog and…

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  • Cosmic Variance: New blog on the block



    Let me welcome to the scientific blogosphere Cosmic Variance, a new group blog featuring Clifford Johnson, a string theorist from USC; JoAnne Hewett, a particle theorist from SLAC at Stanford; Risa Wechsler & Sean Carroll, both cosmologists from the University of Chicago; and Mark Trodden from Syracuse University. Mark and Sean have already been blogging…

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  • Stood up, got counted


    (The server is back up; they say this is the last time… Stay tuned for a whole bunch of posts saved up over the weekend.)

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  • Satellite Maps in the UK


    Google now has satellite maps of the UK! (But the level of detail seems to depend on where you are.) Here’s where I work. The strange round thing just above is the Royal Albert Hall.

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  • Academics: blogs and publishing

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    The Village Voice has an article about academic blogs. And BlogScholar is attempting to organize the joyous but chaotic noise we make (but I’ll wait to see how serious it is before I sign up). Meanwhile, after a discussion of various models for academic publishing over on CosmoCoffee, moderator Antony Lewis has set up a…

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  • Blog spam


    I’ve noticed a scary trend in the spam I’ve been receiving in the comments and trackbacks of this blog: they’ve started using plausible non-spam domains (businesses, organizations — I’m not going to do their work for them by mentioning the names here) for obvious spam content (poker, drugs). This makes it hard to tell if…

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