Debating UK Science, Live and on the Net
Many different strands of the discussion of the UK science budget are coming together, starting with last week’s announcement of STFC‘s restructuring. This week the Royal Society released its report, “The Scientific Century: securing our future prosperity“, arguing that this is a crucial time to emphasize and invest in science, rather than pull away from…
The State of UK Physics (Wakeham)
The Wakeham Review on the state of UK Physics has been released. Andy Lawrence has a good executive summary and The Guardian an overview. It seems to be positive about the state of physics overall, but perhaps lacks the rage and invective the community was hoping for. I am travelling but will try to digest…
The Blair Decade
Today’s New York Times gives the best — and shortest — summary of the Blair years, which have ended today with Gordon Brown taking over (and immediately restructuring education and science, about which more once I’ve digested it), and Blair signing on to apply his talents to the Middle East. The editorial correctly digests Blair’s…
Raiding the science coffers
In the last couple of weeks, the UK Government has announced that the Department of Trade and Industry is so far in the red that it has cut £68 million from the science budget. Usually, government finance isn’t a zero-sum game. But this year, to pay for payouts having to do with the collapse of…
The Rt. Hon. Tony Blair, MP
I somehow scored an invitation to a talk by the Prime Minister sponsored by The Royal Society on “Our Nation’s Future”, specifically, on Science Policy. (Personally, I was pleased to see an extremely large contingent from Imperial present, including Dame Julia Higgins (Principal of our Faculty of Engineering, and Foreign Secretary [!] of the Royal…
African Science
This past week I had the honor of meeting members of various African National Science Academies visiting the UK on the invitation of the Britain’s Royal Society. I was invited to talk about my experiences in the Society’s own MP-Scientist Pairing “Scheme” that I participated in last year. These are high-powered scientists, holding posts in…
Political Commandments
Ronald Reagan often talked about the Eleventh Commandment: “Thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican” (attributed to California Republican party chairman Gaylord Parkinson during the 1964 California Gubernatorial election). It certainly served Reagan well (for ill rather than good, despite his bizarre posthumous revalorization). The Labour Party could learn a thing or two.…
Big brother, watching me (or vice versa?)
When I left for Trieste last week, I decided to leave some vital data with the UK government: the pattern of my irises. Now, when I enter the country, my eyes are scanned by a science-fiction-ish kiosk and I get through faster than those other less fortunate foreigners. But I’m the one with the data…
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